Excel VBA: Filter and copy from top 5 rows/cells -
i have data table sorted on descending order in column f. need copy top 5 rows, data column a, b, d, , f (not headers). see pictures.
sub top5() sheets("sheet1").select if (activesheet.autofiltermode , activesheet.filtermode) or activesheet.filtermode activesheet.showalldata end if activesheet.range("$a$4:$t$321").autofilter field:=3, criteria1:="dave" activeworkbook.worksheets("sheet1").autofilter.sort.sortfields. _ clear activeworkbook.worksheets("sheet1").autofilter.sort.sortfields.add _ key:=range("f4:f321"), sorton:=xlsortonvalues, order:=xldescending, _ dataoption:=xlsorttextasnumbers activeworkbook.worksheets("sheet1").autofilter.sort .header = xlyes .matchcase = false .orientation = xltoptobottom .sortmethod = xlpinyin .apply end ' copy-paste part supposed to, specific ' cells. not generalised , have repeat operation ' several times different people sheets("sheet1").select range("a3:b15").select selection.copy sheets("sheet2").select range("a3").select activesheet.paste sheets("sheet1").select range("d3:d15").select application.cutcopymode = false selection.copy sheets("sheet2").select range("c3").select activesheet.paste sheets("sheet1").select range("f3:f15").select application.cutcopymode = false selection.copy sheets("sheet2").select range("d3").select activesheet.paste application.cutcopymode = false end sub
i thought trying adapt snippet of code below using visible cells function, i'm stuck , can't find on net fits.
' selects rows (plus 1, due offset), want parts of top 5. sheets("sheet1").select activesheet.range("$a$4:$b$321").offset(1, 0).specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).select selection.copy sheets("sheet2").select range("a3").select activesheet.paste sheets("sheet1").select activesheet.range("$d$4:$d$321").offset(1, 0).specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).select selection.copy sheets("sheet2").select range("c3").select activesheet.paste
i hope example makes sense , appreciate help!
note: heading names same in 2 tables show data same. headers not supposed copied. in addition, there column/white space in second table. solution should include this.
firstly few helpful points:
- you should refer worksheets there code name avoid renaming issues.
- if want work vba advice avoid merged cells plague. cause havoc code. if possible use format cells - alignment - horizontal - centre accross selection
- i advise avoiding loops wherever possible , take advantage of excels built in functions instead practice exercise.
here solution. keep simple. if need further let me now.
sub hth() dim rcopy range sheet1.autofilter.range '// set somewhere blank , unused on worksheet set rcopy = sheet1.range("a" & rows.count - (.rows.count)) .specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).copy rcopy end rcopy.offset(1).resize(5) '// offset avoid header .resize(, 2).copy sheet2.range("a5") .offset(, 3).resize(, 1).copy sheet2.range("d5") .offset(, 5).resize(, 1).copy sheet2.range("f5") .currentregion.delete xlup '// delete tempory area end set rcopy = nothing end sub
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