multithreading - Implementing the calculator program using lisp -

i'm implementing calculator program using concurrent lisp programming language..everything working fine..but want print thread executing , particular function..however i'm able list of thread using list-all-threads function...please suggest me how it..

following code output::

(defvar a)     // defines var not initialises (defvar b) (defvar c) (defvar d)   (write-line " enter 2 numbers in binary format prefix #b : ")  // gives newline afterwords       (setf (read))      /* setf macro uses setq internally, has more possibilities. in way it's more general assignment operator.*/       (setf b(read))      (sb-thread:make-thread(lambda()(progn (sleep 4)(setf c(+   b))                 (print "addition in binary: ")                 (format t " ~b" c )                 (print "addition in decimal: ")                 (print c)                 )                 )                 )      (sb-thread:make-thread(lambda()(progn(sleep 2)(setf c(- b))                 (print "subtraction in binary: ")                 (format t " ~b" c )                   (print "subtraction in decimal: ")                 (print c))))      (sb-thread:make-thread(lambda()(progn(sleep 5)(setf c(* b))                 (print "multiplication in binary: ")                 (format t " ~b" c )                 (print "multiplication in decimal: ")                 (print c))))      (sb-thread:make-thread(lambda()(progn(sleep 3)(setf c(* a))                 (print "square in binary: ")                 (format t " ~b" c )                 (print "square of 1st number  : ")                 (print c))))      (sb-thread:make-thread(lambda()(progn(sleep 1)(setf c(* b b b))                 (print "cube of 2nd number : ")                 (print c))))           (sb-thread:make-thread(lambda()(progn(sleep 2)(setf c(sin a))                 (print "sine of 1st number : ")                 (print c))))      (sb-thread:make-thread(lambda()(progn(sleep 3)                 (setf c(tan a))                 (print "tan of 1st number : ")                 (print c))))      (sb-thread:make-thread(lambda()(progn(sleep 6)                 (setf c(cos a))                 (print "cosine of 1st number : ")                 (print c))))      (sb-thread:make-thread(lambda()(progn(sleep 2)                 (setf c(min b))                 (print "minimum number : ")                 (print c))))      (sb-thread:make-thread(lambda()(progn(sleep 1)                 (setf c(max b))                 (print "maximum number : ")                 (print c))))  (print (sb-thread:list-all-threads)) (sleep 30 )         (exit)  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  output:  [cgl@localhost ~]$ sbcl sbcl, implementation of ansi common lisp. more information sbcl available @ <>.  sbcl free software, provided is, absolutely no warranty. in public domain; portions provided under bsd-style licenses.  see credits , copying files in distribution more information. * (load "test.lisp")  enter 2 numbers in binary format prefix #b :  #b1100 #b1011  (#<sb-thread:thread running {100322e8e3}>  #<sb-thread:thread running {10031e4263}>  #<sb-thread:thread running {1003190d33}>  #<sb-thread:thread running {10031750d3}>  #<sb-thread:thread running {1003157a73}>  #<sb-thread:thread running {10031393e3}>  #<sb-thread:thread running {1003119e43}>  #<sb-thread:thread running {10030d91c3}>  #<sb-thread:thread running {1003097c33}>  #<sb-thread:thread running {1003057903}>  #<sb-thread:thread "main thread" running {1002fce543}>)  "cube of 2nd number : "  1331  "maximum number : "  12  "subtraction in binary: "  1 "subtraction in decimal: "  1  "sine of 1st number : "  -0.53657293  "minimum number : "  11  "square in binary: "  10010000 "square of 1st number  : "  144  "tan of 1st number : "  -0.6358599  "addition in binary: "  10111 "addition in decimal: "  23  "multiplication in binary: "  10000100 "multiplication in decimal: "  132  "cosine of 1st number : "  0.84385395 [cgl@localhost ~]$ 

in sbcl current thread object bound sb-thread:*current-thread* special variable.

* sb-thread:*current-thread* #<sb-thread:thread "main thread" running {1002ac3c43}> 

to or set name of thread object, use sb-thread:thread-name:

* (sb-thread:thread-name sb-thread:*current-thread*) "main thread" 

the name of thread set during construction passing &key name argument:

(sb-thread:make-thread     #'(lambda () (format t "hello thread ~a" sb-thread:*current-thread*))     :name "my-thread-0") 

also should somehow synchronize printing calls (for example using sb-thread:mutex object in global variable), because otherwise output messed up.


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