Jmeter Reset Beanshell -

so jmeter's beanshell sampler has option "reset before each call." in jmeter's documentation, mentions "this may necessary long running scripts." there reason wouldn't want this? it's set false, assume there be, haven't found on this.

from beanshell scripting overview:

each beanshell test element has own copy of interpreter (for each thread). if test element repeatedly called, e.g. within loop, interpreter retained between invocations unless "reset bsh.interpreter before each call" option selected

some long-running tests may cause interpreter use lots of memory; if case try using reset option.

so in general:

  • if beanshell script doing "light" - shouldn't need worry resetting interpreter
  • if script "heavy" operations, calculations or being used primary load generator recommend reconsider sampler choice , start using jsr223 sampler , groovy language instead. given proper configuration , following best practices jsr223 , groovy combination provide performance pure java code does. see beanshell vs jsr223 vs java jmeter scripting: performance-off you've been waiting for! guide more detailed explanation, instructions on enabling groovy engine, do's , dont's, , performance comparison of extension engines.


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