validation - ASP.Net MVC 5 -Attempt by security transparent method 'WebMatrix.WebData.SimpleMembershipProvider.ValidateUser to access security method failed -
i using simplemembership in web api project. when try validate user using below code, error(error 1)
if (!membership.validateuser(username, password)) { throw new validationexception("username or pwassword incorrect."); }
error 1:
attempt security transparent method 'webmatrix.webdata.simplemembershipprovider. validateuser(system.string, system.string)' access security critical method 'system.web.webpages.stringextensions.isempty(system.string)' failed.
earlier got similar error(error 2) resolved installing these packages:
install-package microsoft.aspnet.webhelpers install-package
error 2:
attempt security transparent method 'webmatrix.webdata.preapplicationstartcode.onconnectionopened( system.object,' access security critical method 'system.web.webpages. httpcontextextensions.registerfordispose(system.web.httpcontextbase, system.idisposable)' failed.
i did clean solution , tried, still getting same error, need install more packages or simplemembership work in web api?
the current fix me upgrading .net 4.5.3. figured out of frustration. issue doesnt affect mvc 5 core webmatrix projects after upgrading webpages 3.2.3. think framework issue fixed new microsoft identity. current fix me below: note: please use property pages wizard in visual studio change target framework .net framework 4.5.3. update web.config
<compilation debug="true" targetframework="4.5.3"> <assemblies> <add assembly="system, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089"/> </assemblies> </compilation>
step 1: install-package microsoft.aspnet.webhelpers
step 2: install-package
step 3: [optional] install-package owin
step 4: change targetframework .net 4.5.3 via property pages dialog box
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