javascript - what is the best (simplest) way to store the state of a check box for seven days on phones without using local storage -
i building simple app should store state of switch / checkbook period of 7 days. issue have website using build said app doesn't accommodate local storage on phones. yet simple way store switch / checkbook state without doing through local storage or linking online database haven't simplest clue of how manage or set let alone create database. code options have available work html, css , javascript website using buildfire.
so i've built many apps on buildfire. here comments:
you can use localstorage on plugin. however, multiple instances of plugin share same localstorage need aware of , give variables distinct name prepending them instanceid
you know datastore read-only on device. should use userdata (ref: allow save state per user per instance , cross device. used datastore yet allows user write own profile ( {checked:true} ///obj save , usertoken /// logged in user token , function(err,result){ ///callback } )
keep in mind need have user logged in. can auth
buildfire.auth.login([options], callback);
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