spring security - Order of Java Config SecurityBuilder's -
i'm developing web application unsing spring security 4.0.0's java config instead of xml config. i'm using objectpostprocessor
s customize of spring security's beans, notably session consurrency ones (to achive immediate invalidation of session user logs in again, opposed spring's standard behavior of invalidating @ next request).
it's working expected of times, when restart application seems not beans modified want.
are securitybuilder
s processed in specific order or instead processed ramdom order?
my config
@enablewebsecurity public class securityconfig extends abstractcaswebsecurityconfigureradapter { public securityconfig() { super(true, false, true); } @autowired private environment env; // need custom sessionregistry there's no way ahold of 1 created configurer. @bean public sessionregistry sessionregistry() { return new sessionregistryimpl(); } // need custom httpsessioncsrftokenrepository there's no way ahold of 1 created configurer. @bean public csrftokenrepository csrftokenrepository() { return new httpsessioncsrftokenrepository(); } // our custom concurrentsessioncontrolauthenticationstrategy invalidates session @bean public sessioninvalidatingconcurrentsessioncontrolauthenticationstrategy myconcurrentsessioncontrolauthenticationlistener() { // have recreate logouthandlers because need call them // before invalidating session final logouthandler [] logouthandlers = new logouthandler [] { new cookieclearinglogouthandler("jsessionid"), new csrflogouthandler(csrftokenrepository()) //, new securitycontextlogouthandler() // seems create problems redirecting same page caused login request }; sessioninvalidatingconcurrentsessioncontrolauthenticationstrategy mine = new sessioninvalidatingconcurrentsessioncontrolauthenticationstrategy(sessionregistry(), logouthandlers); mine.setexceptionifmaximumexceeded(false); mine.setmaximumsessions(1); return mine; } @override public void configure(websecurity web) throws exception { super.configure(web); boolean devmode = this.env.acceptsprofiles("development"); final string [] ignoredpaths = devmode ? new string [] {"/webjars/**", "/static/**", "/bower_components/**" } : new string [] {"/webjars/**", "/static/**" }; web .ignoring() .antmatchers(ignoredpaths) .and() .debug(false) ; } protected void configure(final httpsecurity http) throws exception { super.configure(http); http .sessionmanagement() .maximumsessions(73467436) // trigger concurrencycontrolconfigurer .sessionregistry(sessionregistry()) .and() .withobjectpostprocessor(new objectpostprocessor<concurrentsessioncontrolauthenticationstrategy>() { @suppresswarnings("unchecked") @override public <o extends concurrentsessioncontrolauthenticationstrategy> o postprocess(o concurrentsessioncontrolas) { // substitute concurrentsessioncontrolauthenticationstrategy created // concurrencycontrolconfigurer our own return (o) myconcurrentsessioncontrolauthenticationlistener(); } }) .and() // need ignore stomp endpoint allow sockjs javascript client issue post requests // /push/../../.. when using trasports not websocket; // @ time, protection given stomp csrf headers .csrf() .csrftokenrepository(csrftokenrepository()) .ignoringantmatchers("/push/**") .and() // allow same origin frame our site support iframe sockjs .headers() .frameoptions().sameorigin() .and() .authorizerequests() .antmatchers("/help/**").permitall() // redirects not require authentication .antmatchers("/push/info").permitall() // not require being authenticated /info request sockjs .anyrequest().authenticated() .and() // remove session cookie when logging out .logout() .deletecookies("jsessionid") // see: http://docs.spring.io/autorepo/docs/spring-security/current/reference/htmlsingle/#detecting-timeouts .and() ; } }
abstractwebsecurityconfigureradapter configures cas.
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