mvc - how to access input type=submit value in c# mvc controller -
i developing c# mvc application. have index action doubles , post action. in view, user able search project name or number (or other different options).
<tr> <th> find name: </th> <th> @html.textbox("namesearchstring", viewbag.currentnamefilter string) </th> <th> <input type="submit" value="search name" name="searchbutton" /> </th> </tr> <tr> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <th> find project number: </th> <th> @html.textbox("numbersearchstring", viewbag.currentnumberfilter string) </th> <th> <input type="submit" value="search number" name="searchbynumber" /> </th> </tr>
is possible inspect value of "searchbutton" in controller via request.form?
in controller have:
// get: projects [acceptverbs(httpverbs.get)] public actionresult index(string sortorder, string currentnamefilter, string currentnumberfilter, string namesearchstring, string numbersearchstring, int? page, string searchbutton, bool? activeprojectsonly = true) {
when click on "search name" button, in controller "searchbutton" string ="search name". expected, how come not able inspect using:
this mvc level:
<dependentassembly> <assemblyidentity name="system.web.mvc" /> <bindingredirect oldversion="" newversion="" /> </dependentassembly>
any appreciated.
[acceptverbs(httpverbs.get)] public actionresult index(string sortorder, string currentnamefilter, string currentnumberfilter, string namesearchstring, string numbersearchstring, int? page, string searchbutton, string searchbynumber, bool? activeprojectsonly = true) {
add searchbynumber controller parameters.
the controller parameters @ "name" tag when posting request.form. value of button, have reference it's name.
if form has multiple buttons, recommend using jquery or javascript set value of hidden field depending on button clicked , pass controller.
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