concurrency - z/os cics db2 cobol program to process database entries concurrently -

i have db2 table containing large amount of records send out external system via mqs. there column in table containing whether record status (sent or pending sent).

i write scheduler program continually check if there records in table "pending sent". if yes, program send pending records out , update status accordingly

that schedule started in multiple transactions. therefore expecting multiple instances of same program running concurrently

my questions how prevent same records being pick , sent multiple schedulers @ same time?

i told use cursor row level locks? not sure how works

remarks: working on cics cobol in z/os environment

i think have design problem. accomplish similar trying having trigger on db2 table sends mq message queue defined trigger cics transaction.

in case, can dispense cics altogether , @billwoodger suggests , send message when set pending flag.


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