datetime - convert character string with timezone to date in r -

i have vector of character strings looking this. want convert them dates. characters time-zone posing trouble.

>     [1] "07/17/2014 5:01:22 pm edt" "7/17/2014 2:01:05 pm pdt"  "07/17/2014 4:00:48 pm cdt" "07/17/2014 3:05:16 pm mdt" 

if use: strptime(a, "%d/%m/%y %i:%m:%s %p %z") [1] na

if omit "%z" time-zone, , use this:

strptime(a, "%m/%d/%y %i:%m:%s %p", tz = "est5edt") get

[1] "2014-07-17 17:01:22 edt"

since strings contain various time zones - pdt, cdt, edt, mdt , can't default time zones est5edt. 1 way overcome split vector different vectors each time-zone, remove letters pdt / edt etc. , apply right timezone strptime - "est5edt" , "cst6cdt" etc. there other way solve this?

if date first part of elements of character vector , followed time, splitting elements whitespaces possibility. if date needed:

dates <- sapply(a, function(x) strsplit(x, split = " ")[[1]][1]) dates <-, format = "%m/%d/%y") [1] "2014-07-17" "2014-07-17" "2014-07-17" "2014-07-17" 

if time needed:

datetime <- sapply(a, function(x) paste(strsplit(x, split = " ")[[1]][1:3],                                   collapse = " ")) datetime <- strptime(as.character(datetime), format = "%m/%d/%y %i:%m:%s %p") [1] "2014-07-17 17:01:22 cest" "2014-07-17 14:01:05 cest" 

you can set different timezone using tz argument here.


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