How to do serial communication via rs232 android? -

i have android device 'micronet a317' has rs232 44 pins serial port. have device i.e card reader has 9 pin d-pad connector. have connected both device(android & card reader) each other using converter. task make serial communication between these 2 device. please suggest me it.

you can use usb-serial-for-android library transfer data via serial port on android. i've tested library usb-to-serial adapter + usb-host cable plugged nexus 7 usb port.

your rs232 port should represented usb device internally, otherwise library won't work.

you need know serial adapter type (ftdi/prolific/cdcacm) , add usb device vid/pid appropriate driver file function getsupporteddevices().

you can find out serial adapter type , vid/pid running cat /proc/kmsg root shell on device, or inspecting directory /sys/class/tty


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