java - JavaFX extending PropertyValueFactory -

i have tableview of objects contain ids mapped other objects of other types. need tablecolumn which, instead of showing id, shows object mapped id. thought maybe creating own propertyvaluefactory, so:

public class somepropertyvaluefactory extends propertyvaluefactory<someobject, string> {      public somepropertyvaluefactory(string property) {         super(property);     }      @override     public observablevalue<string> call(celldatafeatures<someobject, string> parameter) {         someotherobject obj = function(parameter.getvalue().getid());         return obj.tostring();     }  } 

is viable solution? function properly? i've tried loadexception thrown:

caused by: java.lang.instantiationexception: ui.view.somepropertyvaluefactory     @ java.lang.class.newinstance(unknown source)     @ sun.reflect.misc.reflectutil.newinstance(unknown source)     ... 21 more caused by: java.lang.nosuchmethodexception: ui.view.somepropertyvaluefactory.<init>()     @ java.lang.class.getconstructor0(unknown source)     ... 23 more 

if intending class used fxml, must either has no-argument constructor, or (in javafx 8) must have constructor parameters annotated @namedarg. do

public class somepropertyfactory ... {      public somepropertyfactory(@namedarg("property") string property) {         // ...     }      // ... } 

additionally, code posted won't compile since return value of call method string, should observablevalue<string>.

however, don't see point in making subclass of propertyvaluefactory @ all. why not implement callback directly? use class in setcellvaluefactory(...) , parameter type there callback. , don't seem inheriting @ superclass.


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