Localization in Xcode, Base and Language string files -

i having lot of trouble getting localization done in app. trying follow tutorial http://www.raywenderlich.com/64401/internationalization-tutorial-for-ios-2014. when add language project , asks me files localize gives me option choose launchscreen.xib, no option storyboard. normal?

i confused localizable.strings file. created 1 , clicked localize on it. want translate app english traditional. have option of choosing "base" "english" , "chinese" strings file. difference between base , english? 1 need? need "chinese", paste strings , write translations in that? it's confusing ......


step step: first add chinese language:

enter image description here

no option storyboard here. want extract strings storyboard can add chinese translations. next click on storyboard , click localize. choose chinese:

enter image description here

this storyboard looks in inspector :

enter image description here

chinese selected there no other files under storyboard, no string files. doesn't expand or anything. :

enter image description here

for reason has added files launch screen though...what doing wrong?

the reason storyboard did not show in "add language" dialog , xib file did former not yet marked localization , latter was. had first gone storyboard , clicked "localize..." , selected "base" language, , then gone , added chinese project, both files have shown in list.

which brings second issue. dialog message ambiguous, asking select language want storyboard file correspond (since can have per-language .storyboard files). given original storyboard, right choice have been "base".


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