objective c - Location manager not monitoring Beacons -

i not getting region entry , exit events beacon regions. how add beacon monitoredregions:

nsuuid *uuid = [[nsuuid alloc] initwithuuidstring: beacon.uuid]; clbeaconregion *region = [[clbeaconregion alloc] initwithproximityuuid:      uuid major: (clbeaconmajorvalue) beacon.major  minor: (clbeaconmajorvalue) beacon.minor  identifier:  @"some identifier"];  [_locationmanager startmonitoringforregion: region]; 

and events:

- (void) locationmanager: (cllocationmanager *) manager didenterregion:   (clregion *) region {     nslog(@"entered  beacon region"); }  - (void) locationmanager: (cllocationmanager *) manager didexitregion: (clregion *) region {     nslog(@"exited beacon region"); } 

none of these delegate events called beacon region.

i have tested geographical regions , works not work beacon. have tested ranging on same beacon works.

are there known issues beacon monitoring??

many thanks

hi @ldsarria check steps working me

step 1 : set delgate in .h file cllocationmanagerdelegate

step 2:

locationmanager = [[cllocationmanager alloc] init];         locationmanager.delegate = self;         locationmanager.desiredaccuracy = kcllocationaccuracybest;         locationmanager.distancefilter = kcldistancefilternone; 

step 3:

nsuuid *uuid = [[nsuuid alloc] initwithuuidstring:@"some identifier"];         clbeaconregion *region = [[clbeaconregion alloc]          initwithproximityuuid:uuid identifier:@"com.test.abc"];                 region.notifyentrystateondisplay =yes;                 [locationmanager startmonitoringforregion:region]; 

step 4: set nslocationalwaysusagedescription = "this app needs location hunt treasure."



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