javascript - If label contains this and not this prepend * -
i trying add * if label contains city, state, , zip. want happen if * not exist in label already. not sure if can concatenate contains , not contains together. - cannot edit forms , fields have * randomly put in. here 2 ways failed me.
here fiddle-
here jquery
//$("label:contains('city'):not(:contains('*'),label:contains('address'),label:contains('state'),label:contains('zip')").prepend( "* " ); $("label:contains('city'):not(:contains('*'),label:contains('address'),label:contains('state'),label:contains('zip')").prepend( "* " );
got answer... maybe can take in different direction... can simplify contains. similar label:contains('city', 'state', 'etc...'):not(:contains('*')).prepend( "* " )
or maybe way works :]
this way if cannot simplified - $("label:contains('city'):not(:contains('*')),label:contains('mailing address'):not(:contains('*')),label:contains('state'),label:contains('postal code'):not(:contains('*'))").prepend( "* " );
rather setting complicated query, check text within prepend
function itself:
$('label:not(:contains("*"))').prepend(function(_, txt) { return 'addresscitystatezip'.indexof(txt)>-1 ? '* ' : ''; });
function looks text within string, , returns -1
if not found. so if txt
, 'addresscitystatezip'.indexof(txt)
return 7
the conditional (ternary) operator returns asterisk if there's match – otherwise, returns nothing.
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