php - Restful API Design Content Output -
i got api output ready great of so-members answering questions. thank way.
but wonder 1 thing in output. when call url receive api content this:
[ { "data": [ { "incidentreference": "r-20150405-887f93", "latitude": 48.259698, "longitude": 11.434679, "archived": false }, (...) ] } ]
i read book "build apis won't hate" , great resource lot of stuff. don't think, output see right. mean, namespacing have. shouldn't this?
{ "data": [ { "incidentreference": "r-20150405-887f93", "latitude": 48.259698, "longitude": 11.434679, "archived": false }, (...) ] }
so shouldn't whole thing json only? in case return additionally within array. functions doing job these:
public function index() { $incidents = incident::all(); if( ! $incidents) { return response::json([ 'error' => [ 'message' => 'there no incidents in database.', 'code' => 100 ] ], 404); } else { return $this->respond([ $this->respondwithcollection($incidents, new incidenttransformer) ]); } } public function respond($data, $headers = []) { return response::json($data, $this->getstatuscode(), $headers); } protected function respondwithcollection($collection, $callback) { $resource = new collection($collection, $callback); $rootscope = $this->fractal->createdata($resource); return $rootscope->toarray(); }
so yes, respondwithcollection returns array, handled within respond function states return response::json
expect json output when calling resource.
is ok?
the next structure
{"data" : [{}, {}]}
is when have fields, such total count of items, number of page, etc:
{"data" : [{}, {}], "page":1, "total": 100}
otherwise, use simple structure:
[{"incidentreference": "r-20150405-887f93", ...}, {...}]
i'd recommend avoid deep-nested structures.
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