c++ - QProcess not starting -

i have following code:

proc = new qprocess(); proc->startdetached("c:\\ffmpeg.exe", qstringlist() <<"-i"<< "c:\\pics\\frame%d.png"<< "-r"<< "30" << "-vcodec"<< "ffv1" << "c:\\test.avi" ); connect(proc,signal(finished(int)),this,slot(finishedffmpeg(int))); 

for reason signal finished() , started() never gets called. test.avi file being created correctly.

what missing here?

it should or use @:

proc = new qprocess(); proc->startdetached("c:\\ffmpeg.exe", qstringlist() <<"-i"<< "c:\\pics\\frame%d.png "<< "-r"<< "30" << "-vcodec"<< "ffv1" << "c:\\test.avi" ); connect(proc,signal(finished(int)),this,slot(finishedffmpeg(int))); 


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