Custom Folder Structure in ASP.NET MVC 5 -
i'm trying determine if possible (or practical) implement uncle bob's screaming architecture in mvc 5 rather using default folder structure.
here's link description of screaming architecture:
a hypothetical folder structure this:
- customers
- controllers
- customercontroller.cs
- models
- customer.cs
- views
- index.cshtml
- details.cshtml
- update.cshtml
- controllers
- employees
- controllers
- employeescontroller.cs
- models
- employee.cs
- views
- index.cshtml
- details.cshtml
- update.cshtml
- controllers
- shared
- views
- _layout.cshtml
- error.cshtml
- views
- _viewstart.cshtml
- web.config
the corresponding url routes this:
- => customer index
- => customer details
- => customer update
- => employee index
- => employee details
- => employee update
i've created custom razorviewengine , added appropriate view location formats (e.g. "~/{1}/views/{0}.cshtml") , partial view location formats (e.g. "~/shared/views/{0}.cshtml"). i've moved shared _viewstart.cshtml root , merged views/shared folder's web.config root-level web.config avoid having duplicate these 2 files in of view folders.
everything works great, however, if try navigating index page (e.g. 403.14 error (forbidden). other routes (including work fine.
my guess iis explicitly blocking route controller's index method because url coincides folder in filesystem , directory browsing disabled default. if enable directory browsing, however, takes me actual directory listing rather routing controller's index method.
i can move customers , employees folders subfolder (i.e. move them out of root) , works fine, i'd try keep these folders @ top level (per screaming architecture guidelines).
does have solution issue?
please note mvc areas not solution i'm looking not allow folder structure described above (i.e. top-level folders named after high-level use cases , views contained directly within views folder rather in subfolder).
i'm betting right iis then. if have 2 paths mapped same resource, physical path checked first on iis side.
i digging around routes configuration , found property routeexistingfiles on routecollection
, think work.
i set value true
, tested locally empty folder in project, route redirecting home/index
, , navigating localhost:xxx/myfolder
. worked correctly.
so should need set property true choose routes first instead of physical routes.
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