gnupg - using kbpgp • how do I specify which key-pair to encrypt_with when calling,cb) -
var params = { msg: "if see me, working.", encrypt_for: bob, sign_with: alice }; // bob , alice keymanager objects public , unlocked private keys, function(err, result_string, result_buffer) { console.log('\nencrypted message\n===========') console.log(result_string) })
in snippet can specify keypair using sign.
how specify keymanager object want encrypt message with, not sign?
is there encrypt_with
option missing?
that's encrypt_for
parameter, expects keymanager wrapping recipient's public key.
the correct comment above
call be:
// bob , alice keymanager objects public , unlocked private keys, respectively
in order sign, need unlocked private key. in order encrypt, need public key.
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