HTML/CSS: Show full size image on click -

i have text + image side side, , want function user can click on image make bigger. i'm new html/css wondering how can approach this. thanks! (demo ->

is there way pure html/css , no javascript?

the ones found have been telling me use javascript such as:

 <script type="text/javascript">         function showimage(imgname) {             document.getelementbyid('largeimg').src = imgname;             showlargeimagepanel();             unselectall();         }         function showlargeimagepanel() {             document.getelementbyid('largeimgpanel').style.visibility = 'visible';         }         function unselectall() {             if(document.selection) document.selection.empty();             if(window.getselection) window.getselection().removeallranges();         }         function hideme(obj) {    = 'hidden';         }         </script> 

is there simpler way in html/css?

you use css pseudo-class change styling when, example, mouse on image:

img:hover {   width: 300px;   height: 300px; } 

generally, though, add interactivity web pages, have become acquainted javascript. don't know of way toggle state (e.g. "zoomed-in") without use of javascript.

you can think of html defining content, css defining how looks, , javascript defining how behaves.


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