java - Insert data into MySQL using JDBC -

i trying insert data mysql database using jdbc. problem in second row data starts end of first! .the picture explains better me. example of code. stored first column , down.

public static void main(string[] args) throws sqlexception {      connection conn = null;     statement stmt = null;     try{        //step 2: register jdbc driver        class.forname("com.mysql.jdbc.driver");         //step 3: open connection        system.out.println("connecting selected database...");        conn =  drivermanager.getconnection("jdbc:mysql://","username", "pass.." );        system.out.println("connected database successfully...");         //step 4: execute query        system.out.println("inserting records table...");        stmt = (statement) conn.createstatement();          (int j=1; j<=1;j++){             document mobilephones = jsoup.connect("" + j).useragent("mozilla").get();             //get  elements             elements phoneurls ="div[class=details] ");             elements phonename ="div[class=details]");             elements phoneprice ="p[class=price]");             elements phonerating ="div[class=rating-wrapper] span");             elements phonespecs ="p[class=specs]");              //insert urls db             for(int = 1; i<phoneurls.size();i++){                  string urls = phoneurls.get(i).absurl("href");                 string sql = "insert skrouzt(url) " +                     "values ( '"+urls+"' )";                 stmt.executeupdate(sql);              }                //insert names db             for(int =1; i<phonename.size();i++){                 string names = phonename.get(i).text();                 string insert = "insert skrouzt(name) " +                     "values ( '"+names+"' )";                  stmt.executeupdate(insert);              }                        }          system.out.println("inserted records table...");      }catch(sqlexception se){        //handle errors jdbc        se.printstacktrace();     }catch(exception e){        //handle errors class.forname        e.printstacktrace();     }finally{        //finally block used close resources        try{           if(stmt!=null)              conn.close();        }catch(sqlexception se){        }// nothing        try{           if(conn!=null)              conn.close();        }catch(sqlexception se){           se.printstacktrace();        }//end try     }//end try     system.out.println("goodbye!"); }//end of main method 

replace 2 loops 1 this.

        int rowcount=math.max(phoneurls.size(),phonename.size());          for(int = 1; i<rowcount;i++){              string urls = (i<phoneurls.size()) ? "'"+phoneurls.get(i).absurl("href")+"'" : "null";             string names = (i<phonename.size()) ? "'"+phonename.get(i).text()+"'" : "null";             string sql = "insert skrouzt(url, name) " +                 "values ( "+urls+","+names+" )";             stmt.executeupdate(sql);          } 


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