javascript - Split and group a collection of items in Ember -

i'm trying take collection of records in ember , split them groups of number, 2.

so example,

{{#each node in model}}   <span></span> {{/each}} 

i <span>thing</span><span>other thing</span><span>some thing</span><span>one more thing</span>

i want able pass node , wrap every 2 nodes div <div><span>thing</span><span>other thing</span></div><div><span>some thing</span><span>one more thing</span></div>

in ember 2.0 should component, best place handle logic. should component or controller?

given principle things related display, or preparations therefor, belong in component, prefer component. so:

partitions: computedpartition('model', 2) 

then in template

{{#each partition in partitions}}   <div>     {{#each node in partition}}       {{}}     {{/each}}   </div> {{/each}} 

now remains write computedpartition, ember computed property:

function computedpartition(dependentkey, size) {   return ember.computed(dependentkey + ".@each", function() {     return partition(this.get(dependentkey), size);   }); } 

there different algorithms partitioning. see this question. here's short recursive one:

function partition(array, n) {   array = array.slice();   return function _partition() {     return array.length ? [array.splice(0, n)].concat(_partition()) : [];   }(); } 

going deeper

we can simplify (?) above introducing higher-level computed property called computedarrayinvoke, invokes specified function on array-valued property specified key, along additional arguments:

function computedarrayinvoke(fn, dependentkey, ...args) {   return ember.computed(dependentkey + ".@each", function() {     return fn(this.get(dependentkey), ...args);   }); } 

now can write

partitions: computedarrayinvoke(partition, 'model', 2) 


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