jquery addClass to trigger -

i have set of trigger divs on click animate nearest div named .animatepanel.

i have following jquery want add class click trigger (.paneltab) when animated panel shown class being applied animated panel.

$('.paneltab').click(function() {   var panel = $(this).next()   $('.animatedpanel').removeclass('active');   $('.animatedpanel').not(panel).slideup();   panel.addclass('active').slidetoggle({       direction: "up"   }, 100); }); 

$('.paneltab').click(function() {   $(this).addclass('someclass');   var panel = $(this).next()   $('.animatedpanel').removeclass('active');   $('.animatedpanel').not(panel).slideup();   panel.addclass('active').slidetoggle({   direction: "up"   }, 100); }); 

it sounds want apply addclass clicked paneltab. can use $(this) within listener access clicked paneltab.

were looking more complex?

like perhaps removing "someclass" paneltab class before adding clicked one?

within listener... $('.paneltab').removeclass("someclass"); $(this).addclass("someclass"); .. 


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