linux - Regex for searching or gripping complex passwords in code repos -

i need regex use notepad++ "find in files" or find , grep command on linux find $dirs -type f -name '*.php' -o -name '*.sh' -exec grep -rhn "regex" make sure no passwords hard coded in our code repositories passwords should @ least 8 characters long , maximum 12 , should @ least have 1 lowercase,uppercase,digit characters , can have special characters or not

here example passwords want match




it pretty impossible distinguish password other text/code, here regex looking for, match match whitespaces, including single , double quotes:


if don't want include quotes , password must have quotes around try (not sure if you'll need escape start parenthesis, shouldn't hurt):


note, grep, you'll have use -p option , escape double quotes, example:

grep -p "['\"][!#-&(-~]{8,12}['\"]"

if wanted ensure had @ least 1 lowercase , @ least 1 uppercase , @ least 1 digit, you'll have use lookahead , that's more completed, site has example , explanation @ bottom (note: couldn't lookaheard working in notepad++):


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