mysql - How to select count over 2 columns in sql -

can suggest me query combined count 2 columns. specific requirement following:

a     b       permission -------------------------- 1     2       accept    2     3       accept    3     4       accept    1     6       accept    1     4       accept    2     1       accept    3     1       accept    4     1       pending    

i want count of 1 whether belong a or b , permission 'accept'. above example need output 5

you can denormalizing first data using union all , use count achieve desired result:

with sampledata(a, b, permission) as(     select 1, 2, 'accept' union     select 2, 3, 'accept' union     select 3, 4, 'accept' union     select 1, 6, 'accept' union     select 1, 4, 'accept' union     select 2, 1, 'accept' union     select 3, 1, 'accept' union     select 4, 1, 'pending' ) select     t.colvalue,     valuecount = count(*) (     select          col = 'a', colvalue = a, permission     sampledata     union     select          col = 'b', colvalue = b, permission     sampledata ) t permission = 'accept' group t.colvalue 


colvalue    valuecount ----------- ----------- 1           5 2           3 3           3 4           2 6           1 


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