Neo4j Optional Relationship Match -

i want write query returns node (a), nodes directly adjacent (b), , nodes connect (b) not nodes have been identified (b).

so... if graph was:

      d      / a<--b      \       c 

i want return { a, [b], [c, d] }.

so far, have following query (the 'prop' attribute distinguishes each node each other):

match (a)<-[:something]-(b)<-[:something*0..]<-(c) not (c.prop in b.prop) return a.prop, collect(b.prop), collect (c.prop) 

if graph looks like:


i expect result { a, [b], [] } instead nothing back, due c.prop being in b.prop. tried using optional match did not work either:

match (a)<-[:something]-(b) optional match (a)<-[:something]<-(b)<-[:something*0..]<-(c) not (c.prop in b.prop) return a.prop, collect(b.prop), collect (c.prop) 

any way intended results?

when run following query:

match (n:crew)-[r:loves*]->m optional match (m:crew)-[r2:knows*]->o'neo' , not ( in return n,m,o 

in, on sample graph, neo , trinity, though trinity knows nobody (o empty). think optional match needs contain actual optional part of traversal, whereas in code have everything. (a)<-[:something]<-(b) should not appear there, (b)<-[:something*0..]<-(c)


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