php - Dropzone JS add Remove Button -

sorry im stil newbie dropzone, need create remove button dropzone js after file success upload tried using

if(typeof dropzone != 'undefined')         {              dropzone.autodiscover = true;              $(".dropzone[action]").each(function(i, el)             {                 $(el).dropzone();             });             dropzone.createelement("<button>remove file</button>");               } 

the remove button still not show on buttom of tumbnails. page :

<form action="data/upload-file.php" class="dropzone"></form> 

my php upload file

<?php  header('content-type: application/json');  #$errors = mt_rand(0,100)%2==0; // random response (demo purpose) $errors = false;   $resp = array( );  # normal response code if(function_exists('http_response_code'))     http_response_code(200);  # on error if($errors) {     if(function_exists('http_response_code'))         http_response_code(400);      $resp['error'] = "couldn't upload file, reason: ~"; }  echo json_encode($resp); 

i success @pddong add "addremovelinks: true"

if(typeof dropzone != 'undefined')     {         dropzone.autodiscover = false;         var mydropzone = new dropzone("#mydropzone", {         url: "data/upload-file.php",         maxfilesize: 50,         acceptedfiles: ".pdf",         addremovelinks: true,         //more dropzone options here     });      } }; 

and page this

<form action="data/upload-file.php" class="dropzone" id="mydropzone"></form> 


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