workflow - Falcon & Oozie - How to configure for oozie in falcon -

i have oozie workflow calls sqoop , hive action. individual workflow works fine when run oozie command line. since sqoop , hive scripts vary, pass values workflow.xml using file.

sudo oozie job -oozie http://hostname:port/oozie -config -run

now want configure oozie workflow in falcon. can please me in figuring out can configure or pass

below falcon process.xml

<process name="demoprocess" xmlns="uri:falcon:process:0.1"> <tags>pipeline=degingestdatapipeline,owner=hadoop, externalsystem=svservers</tags> <clusters>     <cluster name="democluster">         <validity start="2015-01-30t00:00z" end="2016-02-28t00:00z"/>     </cluster> </clusters> <parallel>1</parallel> <order>fifo</order> <frequency>hours(1)</frequency> <outputs>     <output name="output" feed="demofeed" instance="now(0,0)" /> </outputs>  <workflow name="dev-wf" version="0.2.07" engine="oozie" path="/apps/demo/workflow.xml" />  <retry policy="periodic" delay="minutes(15)" attempts="3" /> </process> 

i not find on web or falcon documentation regarding this.

i worked on development in falcon did not try falcon vanilla lot, understand tutorial below:

i try creating oozie-workflow.xml accepts dynamically. place properties file in respective hdfs folder workflow.xml picks , can change every process. can use falcon process.xml , call command line using:

falcon entity -type process -submit -file process.xml

also in path=/apps/demo/workflow.xml need not specify workflow.xml explicitly. can give folder name, example:

<process name="rawemailingestprocess" xmlns="uri:falcon:process:0.1">  <tags>pipeline=churnanalysisdatapipeline,owner=etlgroup,externalsystem=uswestemailservers</tags>   <clusters>     <cluster name="primarycluster">         <validity start="2014-02-28t00:00z" end="2016-03-31t00:00z"/>     </cluster> </clusters>  <parallel>1</parallel> <order>fifo</order> <frequency>hours(1)</frequency>  <outputs>     <output name="output" feed="rawemailfeed" instance="now(0,0)" /> </outputs>  <workflow name="emailingestworkflow" version="2.0.0" engine="oozie" path="/user/ambari-qa/falcon/demo/apps/ingest/fs" />  <retry policy="periodic" delay="minutes(15)" attempts="3" /> 


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