java - PRJ file not generated for null CoordinateReferenceSystem -

i trying create shape file the text file. used geotools library. can create shapefile, got warning coordinate system null, i'm setting!

the data in utm-wgs84-zone 30n. first, tried default coordinate system (wgs84), used epsg , decoded it. returns null.

public static void main(string[] args) throws exception {     file[] files = getfiles("c://artcsvfiles//");      (int i=0;i<files.length;i++) {         string outputfilepath = "c://art//" +files[i].getname()+".shp";         //string inputfilepath = "c://parktxtfiles//parkcluster0mp10dist0.005.csv";         string inputfilepath = files[i].getabsolutepath();         final simplefeaturetype type = datautilities.createtype("location", "location:point"); // see createfeaturetype();          featurecollection<simplefeaturetype, simplefeature> collection = featurecollections.newcollection();         bufferedreader reader = new bufferedreader(new filereader(files[i]));         try {              geometryfactory factory = jtsfactoryfinder.getgeometryfactory(null);              (string line = reader.readline(); line != null; line = reader.readline()) {                 string split[] = line.split("\\,");                 double longitude = double.parsedouble(split[0]);                 double latitude = double.parsedouble(split[1]);                  point point = factory.createpoint(new coordinate(longitude, latitude));                 simplefeature feature =, new object[]{point}, null);                   collection.add(feature);             }         } {             reader.close();         }         file newfile = getnewshapefile(files[i], outputfilepath);           datastorefactoryspi factory = new shapefiledatastorefactory();          map<string, serializable> create = new hashmap<string, serializable>();         create.put("url", newfile.touri().tourl());         create.put("create spatial index", boolean.true);          shapefiledatastore newdatastore = (shapefiledatastore) factory.createnewdatastore(create);         newdatastore.createschema(type);         newdatastore.forceschemacrs(defaultgeographiccrs.wgs84);          transaction transaction = new defaulttransaction("create");         string typename = newdatastore.gettypenames()[0];         featurestore<simplefeaturetype, simplefeature> featurestore;         featurestore = (featurestore<simplefeaturetype, simplefeature>)                 newdatastore.getfeaturesource(typename);          featurestore.settransaction(transaction);         try {             featurestore.addfeatures(collection);             transaction.commit();         } catch (exception problem) {             problem.printstacktrace();             transaction.rollback();         } {             transaction.close();         }         //system.exit(0); // exiting because use swing jfilechooser     } } public static file[] getfiles(string args) {     return new file(args).listfiles(); } private static file getnewshapefile(file file, string outputfilepath) {     string path = file.getabsolutepath();     string newpath = path.substring(0,path.length()-4)+".shp";      file newfile = new file(outputfilepath);     if( newfile.equals( file )){         system.out.println("cannot replace "+file);         system.exit(0);     }     return newfile; }   private static file getcsvfile(string[] args) throws filenotfoundexception {     file file;     if (args.length == 0){         jfilechooser chooser = new jfilechooser();         chooser.setdialogtitle("open csv file");         chooser.setfilefilter( new filefilter(){             public boolean accept( file f ) {                 return f.isdirectory() || f.getpath().endswith("csv") || f.getpath().endswith("csv");             }             public string getdescription() {                 return "comma seperated value";             }         });         int returnval = chooser.showopendialog( null );          if(returnval != jfilechooser.approve_option) {             system.exit(0);         }         file = chooser.getselectedfile();          system.out.println("opening cvs file: " + file.getname());     }     else {         file = new file( args[0] );     }     if (!file.exists()){         throw new filenotfoundexception( file.getabsolutepath() );     }     return file; } /**  * here how can use simplefeaturetype build create  * schema shapefile dynamically.  * <p>  * method improvement on origional example  * specifying defaultgeographiccrs.wgs84 , maximum field length.  * <p>  * @return simplefeaturetype  */ static simplefeaturetype createfeaturetype() throws factoryexception {      simplefeaturetypebuilder builder = new simplefeaturetypebuilder();     builder.setname( "location" );      coordinatereferencesystem crs = crs.decode("epsg:32630");      builder.setcrs(crs);      //add attributes in order     builder.add("location", point.class );     builder.length(15).add( "name", string.class );     system.out.println(;      //build type     final simplefeaturetype location = builder.buildfeaturetype();     return location; } } 

please change

final simplefeaturetype type = datautilities.createtype("location", "location:point"); 


final simplefeaturetype type = datautilities.createfeaturetype(); 

or pls change

final simplefeaturetype type = datautilities.createtype("location",   "location:point"); 


final simplefeaturetype type = datautilities.createtype("location",             "location:point:srid=4326," +                      "name:string," +                      "number:integer"      ); 

and delete method createfeaturetype()


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