MySQL partitioning by range - error in statement? -
i try alter existing table adding partitioning, sql errors although looks docu says.
hopefully can point out mistake.
the table orders has field called date_order_start
, date, has no time information. field has index on it. index not unique , not part of unique index.
i want partition table using statement:
alter table orders partition range (date_order_start) ( startpoint values less (0), from20140701 values less ('2014-07-01'), from20140801 values less ('2014-08-01'), from20140901 values less ('2014-09-01'), future values less maxvalue );
before tried this:
alter table orders partition range (to_days(date_order_start)) ( startpoint values less (0), from20140701 values less (to_days('2014-07-01')), from20140801 values less (to_days('2014-08-01')), from20140901 values less (to_days('2014-09-01')), future values less maxvalue );
but got error:
**error code: 1064**. have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near 'from20140701 values less ('2014-07-01'), from20140801 values less t' @ line 4
well.... not help.
can spot error?
also variation without startpoint statement didn't work. thought maybe (0) problem.
i used these pages information:
i'm wondering if you're missing partition keyword:
alter table orders partition range (date_order_start) ( partition startpoint values less (0), partition from20140701 values less ('2014-07-01'), partition from20140801 values less ('2014-08-01'), partition from20140901 values less ('2014-09-01'), partition future values less maxvalue );
also, values less (0)
part necessary?
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