python - How to speed up bulk insert to MS SQL Server from CSV using pyodbc -

below code i'd with. having run on 1,300,000 rows meaning takes 40 minutes insert ~300,000 rows.

i figure bulk insert route go speed up? or because i'm iterating on rows via for data in reader: portion?

#opens prepped csv file open (os.path.join(newpath,outfile), 'r') f:     #hooks csv reader file     reader = csv.reader(f)     #pulls out columns (which match sql table)     columns = next(reader)     #trims spaces     columns = [x.strip(' ') x in columns]     #starts sql statement     query = 'bulk insert spikedata123({0}) values ({1})'     #puts column names in sql query 'query'     query = query.format(','.join(columns), ','.join('?' * len(columns)))      print 'query is: %s' % query     #starts curser cnxn (which works)     cursor = cnxn.cursor()     #uploads row     data in reader:         cursor.execute(query, data)         cursor.commit() 

i dynamically picking column headers on purpose (as create pythonic code possible).

spikedata123 table name.

bulk insert much faster reading source file row-by-row , doing regular insert each row. however, both bulk insert , bcp have significant limitation regarding csv files in cannot handle text qualifiers (ref: here). is, if csv file not have qualified text strings in ...

1,gord thompson,2015-04-15 2,bob loblaw,2015-04-07 

... can bulk insert it, if contains text qualifiers (because text values contains commas) ...

1,"thompson, gord",2015-04-15 2,"loblaw, bob",2015-04-07 

... bulk insert cannot handle it. still, might faster overall pre-process such csv file pipe-delimited file ...

1|thompson, gord|2015-04-15 2|loblaw, bob|2015-04-07 

... or tab-delimited file (where represents tab character) ...

1→thompson, gord→2015-04-15 2→loblaw, bob→2015-04-07 

... , bulk insert file. latter (tab-delimited) file bulk insert code this:

import pypyodbc conn_str = "dsn=mydb_sqlexpress;" cnxn = pypyodbc.connect(conn_str) crsr = cnxn.cursor() sql = """ bulk insert mydb.dbo.spikedata123 'c:\\__tmp\\bitest.txt' (     fieldterminator='\\t',     rowterminator='\\n'     ); """ crsr.execute(sql) cnxn.commit() crsr.close() cnxn.close() 

note: mentioned in comment, executing bulk insert statement applicable if sql server instance can directly read source file. cases source file on remote client, see this answer.


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