javascript - Dynamic orderBy in AngularJS -

i have array of objects want order dynamically, based on value drop down menu. have far in list:

ng-repeat="item in filtereditems = (items | filter:searchinput | orderby:canbeanything)" 

but problem sorting can attribute of object or calculated value using function. should able sort in descending way (optionally).

i know can use string canbyanything variable behind orderby passing attribute of object like:

“-creationdate” // descending ordering on creation date “customer.lastname” // ascending ordering on customers last name 

i know can orderby function like:

orderby:mycalculatedvaluefunction // order in ascending way based on calculated value, example calculating total price of object if order or 

but don't know , want achieve is:

  • how combine can use function(s) sorting in combination attributes/properties of objects. mean 1 or other, dynamically, based on user has selected. can attribute or calculated value, either descending or ascending.
  • how sort calculated value in descending way

update orderby:mycalculatedvaluefunction orderby:dynamicorderfunction:

$scope.dynamicorderfunction = function() {     if (orderbystring) {         return '-creationdate';     }     else {         return mycalculatedvaluefunction;     } } 

orderby has 3rd property accepts boolean , reverse orderby when true. (orderby:dynamicorderfunction:reverseorder $scope.reverseorder = true; // or false)


you run issues trying switch orderby between string function way. checkout out this jsfiddle working dynamic order function.


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