android - Is it possible to have the last item in a RecyclerView to be docked to the bottom if there is no need to scroll? -

i'm building shopping cart recyclerview displays items in cart in recyclerview, has additional view @ bottom summarizes cart (total owing, coupon discount if applicable, etc).

if there's > 3 items in cart, looks fine user have scroll bottom view "summary view". however, if there's 1 or 2 items, first items appear, summary view, whitespace. i'd rather first items, whitespace, summary view.

i've tried adding empty items, however, depending on device's resolution, looks inconsistent.

current appearance if less 3 items (ie if no scrolling required):

----------- |  item1  | | ------- | |  item2  | | ------- | | summary | | ------- | |         | |         | |         | |         |  ---------- 

desired appearance:

----------- |  item1  | | ------- | |  item2  | | ------- | |         | |         | |         | |         | | ------- | | summary |  ---------- 

i thinking task , put code may find useful. there's problem on stage though.

what did added item decorator recycler view:

recyclerview.additemdecoration(new stickysummarydecoration()); 

and here's implementation of basic decorator (frankly, it's first experience item decorators, may not optimal or totally correct did best):

public class stickysummarydecoration extends recyclerview.itemdecoration {      @override     public void ondrawover(canvas c, recyclerview parent, recyclerview.state state) {         int childcount = parent.getadapter().getitemcount();         int lastvisibleitemposition =                 ((linearlayoutmanager) parent.getlayoutmanager()).findlastvisibleitemposition();         int firstvisibleposition =                 ((linearlayoutmanager) parent.getlayoutmanager())                         .findfirstcompletelyvisibleitemposition();         if ((firstvisibleposition == 0) && (lastvisibleitemposition == (childcount - 1))) {             view summaryview = parent.getchildat(parent.getchildcount() - 1);             int topoffset = parent.getheight() - summaryview.getheight();             int leftoffset =                     ((recyclerview.layoutparams) summaryview.getlayoutparams()).leftmargin;   ;             c.translate(leftoffset, topoffset);             summaryview.draw(c);             c.restore();             summaryview.setvisibility(view.gone);         }     } } 

so this.

bottom-docked summary in short list:

short list

you need scroll down see summary in long list:

long list (you need scroll down see summary element)

now problem. side-effect when scrolling in long list haven't solved yet.


my experiments uploaded github repo in case :)


just came me missing row element in recycler view recycled summary view holder has gone visibility. there should way bring back...

edit 2

i reconsidered first solution , changed code little bit account long list case (in case item decoration disabled (i think it's closer wanted achieve)), automatically resolves missing row problem.


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