c# - How do I delete or reinitialize a 'new' variable? -

before report me asking commonly-asked question, hear me out.

i writing program read datalogger using c# , windows forms. each of channels can mean different things, such lift, drag, , pressure. plan make these channels configurable. here how such channel initialized:

private channel lift_channel = new channel(1); 

this initializes lift_channel channel object references channel 1 on logger.

however, constructor method channel(int) method can use set channel. if want lift_channel point channel 2, this.

delete lift_channel; lift_channel = new channel(2); 

i feel if can't delete lift_channel recreate it, have memory leak errors because channel(1) data floating around.

any ideas?

nope, nothing delete. after re-assign it, lift_channel no longer point old memory address, , memory cleaned up.


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