c# - .NET language pack installed but spell check works only for English language -

i'm using this embeded wpf's textbox on winforms application. didn't worked until set language property system.windows.markup.xmllanguage.getlanguage("en-us");. worked fine english-us language. read .net language pack needed use others languages downloaded microsoft site , setup says i've installed on machine.

for example works:

box.language = system.windows.markup.xmllanguage.getlanguage("en-us"); 

but doesn't:

box.language = system.windows.markup.xmllanguage.getlanguage("pt-br"); 

i using this

box.language = xmllanguage.getlanguage(cultureinfo.currentculture.ietflanguagetag)); 

until noticied doesn't works other languages, english.

i'm not posting duplicate of code because same 1 in accepted answer linked except have language property set.

i trying figure out while , found out need windows language pack desired language well. so, have download full windows translation. spellchecking works languages supported windows. need .net 4.6.1 language packs well.


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