Chrome doesn't want to save the Password for the JSF Loginform -

hi guys looked @ topic jsf chrome save password on login form similar problem. solution doesn't work in case because don't use primefaces. form looks following:

<h:form id="loginform" class="form-signin " >    <h1 class="form-signin-heading  "> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"/> login form</h1>   <h:inputtext id="username" value="#{loginhandler.inputusername}"                 styleclass="form-control" pt:placeholder="username"                 required="true" requiredmessage="please type in username" />   <h:message style="color: red" for="username"/>   <br></br>   <h:inputsecret id="password" value="#{loginhandler.inputpassword}" class="form-control"                   pt:placeholder="password" required="true" pt:type="password"                  requiredmessage="please type in password" />   <h:message style="color: red" for="password"/>   <br/>   <h:commandbutton id="loginbutton" action="#{loginhandler.login()}"                    value="login" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block"  />   <h:message id="loginerror" style="color: red" for="loginbutton"/>  </h:form> 

i used bootstrap shouldn't influence matter right now.
want google saves username , password or @ least enables it. because each time login doesn't show possibility of saving password.
have idea ? !!

i'm using jsf mojarra 2.1.6 on glassfish, , following works me on google chrome:

<h:form id="login" >     <h:inputtext id="username"/>     <h:inputsecret id="password"/>     <h:commandbutton id="loginbutton" action="admin" />     <!--  "admin" other page -->     <h:messages/> </h:form> 
  1. make "offer save web passwords" enabled chrome's settings.
  2. make sure site isn't exception in "never saved" list.
  3. make sure action method redirects new page, not same page.
  4. test firefox measure.


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