java - TrueZip compression taking too much time -

i using truezip compression. here code looks

  public string compress() throws ioexception {     if (loglocations.isempty()) {       throw new illegalstateexception("no logs provided compress");     }      removedestinationifexists(desiredarchive);      final tfile destinationarchive = new tfile(desiredarchive + "/diagnostics");     (final string loglocation : loglocations) {       final tfile log = new tfile(loglocation);       if (!log.exists()) {         logger.debug("{} not exist, ignoring.");         continue;       }       if (log.isdirectory()) {         log.cp_r(destinationarchive);       } else {         final string newloglocation =             new tfile(destinationarchive.getabsolutepath()) + slash +             getlognamefrompath(loglocation);         log.cp(new tfile(newloglocation));       }     }     return destinationarchive.getenclarchive().getabsolutepath();   } 

and test

@test   public void testbenchmarkwithhprof() throws ioexception {     final filewriter loglocations;     string loglocationpath = "/users/harit/downloads/tmp/loglocations.txt";     {       loglocations = new filewriter(loglocationpath);       loglocations.write("test3");       loglocations.write("\n");       loglocations.close();     }     final lplogcompressor compressor = new lplogcompressor("/users/harit/downloads/tmp",                                                            new file(loglocationpath),                                                            "/users/harit/downloads/tmp/testout");     final long starttime = system.currenttimemillis();     compressor.compress();     system.out.println("time taken (msec): " + (system.currenttimemillis() - starttime));   } 

and data directory test3 looks

test3/       java_pid1748.hprof 

the file size 2.83gb when ran test, took on 22 minutes.
when compress same file using native osx compress (right click -> compress), takes 2 minutes

why there of difference?



based on @satnam recommendation, attached debugger see whats going on , find

enter image description here enter image description here

none of truezip threads running? really? apologies using profiler first time

the reason in case using default deflater deflater.best_compression.

i override zipdriver class on level

import; import de.schlichtherle.truezip.socket.iopoolprovider;  import;  public class overridezipdriver extends zipdriver {    public overridezipdriver(final iopoolprovider iopoolprovider) {     super(iopoolprovider);   }    @override   public int getlevel() {     return deflater.default_compression;   } } 

and in compressor class, did

public lplogcompressor(final string logprocessorinstallpath, final file loglocationssource,                          final string desiredarchive) throws ioexception {     this.desiredarchive = desiredarchive + dot + getdatetimestampformat() + zip;     loglocations = getloglocations(logprocessorinstallpath, loglocationssource);     enablelogcompression();   }    private static void enablelogcompression() {     tconfig.get().setarchivedetector(         new tarchivedetector(tarchivedetector.null, new object[][]{             {"zip", new overridezipdriver(iopoollocator.singleton)},}));     tconfig.push();   } 

you can read thread here


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