open sqlite file swift osx app and read data -

i need open sqlite file , read data file show in table. far have button trigger nsopenpanel(), , path. after tried open file have encoding problem.

below code in appdelegate.swift

@ibaction func importfromkobo(sender: anyobject) {  var openpanel = nsopenpanel()     let filedb = "kobodbtest.sqlite"      openpanel.allowsmultipleselection = false     openpanel.canchoosedirectories = true     openpanel.cancreatedirectories = true     openpanel.canchoosefiles = false     openpanel.beginwithcompletionhandler { (result) -> void in         if result == nsfilehandlingpanelokbutton {             //do             //if there's 1 url, surely 'openpanel.url'             var deviceurl = openpanel.url!             println("path: \(deviceurl)")             println(self.resultdev.stringvalue)             self.resultdev.stringvalue += "\npath: \(deviceurl)"             self.resultinput.stringvalue += "\npath: \(deviceurl)"             var fullfilepathurl = deviceurl.urlbyappendingpathcomponent(filedb)             self.resultinput.stringvalue += "\nfull path file: \(fullfilepathurl)"              var fileopenerror:nserror?              if nsfilemanager.defaultmanager().fileexistsatpath(deviceurl.path!) {                 println("file ok")                   if let filecontent = string(contentsofurl: fullfilepathurl, encoding: nsutf8stringencoding, error: &fileopenerror) {                     println(filecontent)        // prints readme.txt contents if successful                 } else {                     if let fileopenerror = fileopenerror {                     println(fileopenerror)  // error domain=nscocoaerrordomain code=xxx "the file “readme.txt” couldn’t opened because...."                     }                 }             } else {                 println("file not found")             }          }         if result == nsfilehandlingpanelcancelbutton {             self.resultdev.stringvalue = "cancel"         }      }  }` 

and error in console:

path: file:///users/alvaroruiz/documents/xcode/ result file ok error domain=nscocoaerrordomain code=261 "the file “kobodbtest.sqlite” couldn’t opened using text encoding unicode (utf-8)." userinfo=0x60000026cb00 {nsfilepath=/users/alvaroruiz/documents/xcode/kobodbtest.sqlite, nsstringencoding=4} 

i have checked usign sqlite> pragma encoding; format utf-8.

checked other encoding nsisolatin1stringencoding , text lot of symbols.

could point me how query command? , display in table?

thanks. alvaro

you're checking if path selected exists, it's unnecessary. guess wanted check final file instead:

if nsfilemanager.defaultmanager().fileexistsatpath(fullfilepathurl.path!) 

next, leonardo right in comment, can read file using nsutf16stringencoding:

if let filecontent = string(contentsofurl: fullfilepathurl, encoding: nsutf16stringencoding, error: &fileopenerror) { 

but sqlite database not text file, , reading plain content text won't far. :) should rather use dedicated tool deal it, sqlite.swift. allow run queries , display results in table.


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