python - Get minimum point(s) of numpy.poly1d curve -

i have numpy.poly1d polynomial follows:

c = np.poly1d([2,-4,-28,62,122,-256,-196,140,392,240,72]) 

the curve looks when graphed in range -2.5 <= x <= 2.5:

enter image description here

how can find minimum point(s) of curve within given range, without using discrete values used graph curve (by mean using continuous poly1d object)?

ok bit different functions @matiasg aim make more copyable code , use vectorized code possible.

import numpy np matplotlib.pyplot import *  c = np.poly1d([2,-4,-28,62,122,-256,-196,140,392,240,72])  crit = c.deriv().r r_crit = crit[crit.imag==0].real test = c.deriv(2)(r_crit)    # compute local minima  # excluding range boundaries x_min = r_crit[test>0] y_min = c(x_min) plot( x_min, y_min, 'o' )  xc = np.arange(-2.5, 2.6, 0.02) yc = c(xc) plot( xc, yc)  xlim([-2.5,2.5]) show() 


image 1: result. note there local minima outside bounds ;)


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