etl - Pentaho - Having multiple Copy rows to result results in Get rows from result empty -

i'm trying process data , store in datawarehouse. doing it, wanted store dimensions in 1 transformation , fact (only have one) in transformation. can use job execute first one, copy rows result , them second transformation.

in first transformation, read excel file , separate data streams. data baptism, have 1 stream person, 1 parents, 1 sponsors, , on... @ end of each stream, insert data database , return pk autogenerated (it id autoincrement).

in second one, have get rows result , want set them txt file (just see been done correctly). problem file created empty. suppose if let fields in get rows result empty, gets fields.

what doing wrong?

at end want have 1 copy rows result @ end of each stream in first transformation , data in second one.

enter image description here

in "insert pare padrina" return id_pare_padrina autogenerated, , same "insert mare padrina" (i have more streams have include them result). transformation not executed per row because need values of other rows.

thank you!

in order pass data first transformation second transformation, need set parameters like:

1. first of all, in transformation settings of second transformation (at job level), check on items image below:

enter image description here

copy previous results parameters ensure results/data in "copy rows result" step getting passed next level.

execute every input row : execute second transformation every rows in first transformation file. optional based on requirement.

2. in same transformation settings, define "parameters" in parameters tabs. check image below:

enter image description here

here, name parameter have defined. when using "get rows result", can define these parameter names.

3. instead of using "get rows result", can alternately use "get variables" step fetch variables coming previous step. need define parameter names inside ktr file (ctrl + t). (actually have practically implemented in fashion , worked me.)

4. since "copy rows result" step uses heap memory, defining multiple instances of step might exhaust memory space , code might fall in trouble. ideally use single instance of step.

but if data interation 1 row, best option use "set variables" step.

i assume might have missed of these sections in job.

you can read more on copy rows result in here.

hope helps :)


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