gruntjs - add variable id in script tags using grunt -

i have around 10 files eg: file1.html, file2.html, fil31.html, file4.html

each file contains starting , end script tag blank id='' field

i want add id's script tags in each file.

the id's file names.

before running grunt eg: file1.html  <script type='text/ng-template' id=''>      <div>couple of other dive tags</div> </script>  after running grunt id filed should have if file name  eg: file1.html  <script type='text/ng-template' id='file1.html'>      <div>couple of other dive tags</div> </script> 

i have tried using couple grunt packages can't head around how make them pick file name , add them ids.

grunt file_append grunt-script-link-tags 

has faced same problem or knows how solve this?

use following code add id's dynamically in script tag.

replace text specified replacement using grunt replace


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