ios - WatchKit Notification payload example -

as may know, on pushnotificationpayload.aps file, actions can set on "watchkit simulator actions" node.

can provide me real push notification payload includes actions?


we use test payload looks this:

{     "aps": {         "alert": {             "title": "my alert title",             "body": "the body message",         },         "category": "mycategoryname"     },      "watchkit simulator actions": [            {            "title": "like it!",            "identifier": "my_like_action"            }     ],      "mycategorydictionary": {         "image" : "http://.....",         "subject" : "the subject of alert message",         "content": "detailed content info can go here"     },      "customkey": "use file define testing payload notifications. aps dictionary specifies category, alert text , title. watchkit simulator actions array can provide info 1 or more action buttons in addition standard dismiss button. other top level keys custom payload. if have multiple such json files in project, you'll able select them when choosing debug notification interface of watch app." } 


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