angularjs - Angular JS: How to use icons in the ng-grid grouping columns? -

is there way display icons instead of text in ng-grid grouping columns?

update 04-14-2015

i did it! making example in plunker, wanted. thank all.

$scope.gridoptions = {     ...     aggregatetemplate: aggregaterowtemplate() };   function aggregaterowtemplate() {     var result =         "<div ng-click=\"row.toggleexpand()\" ng-style=\"rowstyle(row)\" class=\"ngaggregate\">" +         "    <img ng-src='{{row.label}}' lazy-src >" +         "    <div class=\"{{row.aggclass()}}\"></div>" +         "</div>"      return result; } 


use columndefs, stated in docs, celltemplate allows give html string display within column cells.

an example using bootstrap glyphicons:

$scope.gridoptions = {      data: [{name: "line 1", icon: "plus"},            {name: "line 2", icon: "trash"}     }],     columndefs: [         {field: 'name', displayname: 'name'},         {             field:'icon',             displayname:'icon',             celltemplate: '<div><i class="ngcelltext" ng-class="glyphicon glyphicon-{{ row.getproperty(col.field) }}"></i></div>'         }     ]  }; 


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