How to add an incremental count (version) to a string (file) in Excel/VBA? -

i have tried lot of different things, , seems cannot work. basically, small piece of complete code.
using microsoft scripting runtime save file, using fileexists() check if file exist before saving.
working fine if remove if-statement/loop.
however, feels fileexists won´t find string, myfilepath, when run if/loop. (getdirsubparentpath function)

dim week, username string dim myfile, myfilepath string dim version integer   ' current week, xx week = format(date, "ww") ' username, e.g. niclas.madsen username = environ$("username") ' initials, first letter of last , surname caps ' e.g. niclas.madsen nm username = ucase(left(username, 1) & mid(username, instr(username, ".") + 1, 1))  ' fix filename saving purpose myfile = replace(replace("supplierorganization_w", "", ""), ".", "_") _         & "" _         & week _         & " " _         & username _         & ".csv" 'supplierorganization_wxx nm  myfilepath = getdirsubparentpath & myfile  ' myfilepath, if exists ' add "-1" after week number, if 1 exists, add 2, etc. if len(dir(myfilepath)) <> 0 version = 0 version = version + 1 myfilepath = dir(getdirsubparentpath & "supplierorganization_w" & week & "-" & version & " " & username & ".csv") loop until len(dir(myfilepath)) < 0 end if  dim tmpfile, tmpfilepath string tmpfile = getdirsubparentpath & "tmp_file.txt"   dim tmpstring string 'dim fso new filesystemobject   dim fso object 'scripting.filesystemobject set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")  if fso.fileexists(myfilepath) = true     application.screenupdating = false     open myfilepath input #1     open tmpfile output #2     tmpstring = input(lof(1), 1) 'read entire file     tmpstring = replace(tmpstring, (chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) _     & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) _     & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) _     & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) _     & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) _     & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) _     & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) _     & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) _     & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) _     & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) _     & chr(34)), "") 'eliminate double quotation , commas in first line utf-8     print #2, tmpstring 'output result     close #1     close #2     fso.deletefile (myfilepath) 'delete original file     fso.copyfile tmpfile, myfilepath, true 'rename temp file     fso.deletefile (tmpfile) 'delete temp file     application.screenupdating = true     msgbox "finished processing file", vbinformation, "done!" else     msgbox "cannot locate file : " & myfilepath, vbcritical, "error" end if set fso = nothing end sub     ' parent sub directory path function getdirsubparentpath() getdirsubparentpath = thisworkbook.path & application.pathseparator & "csv" & application.pathseparator & "parent" & application.pathseparator end function 

i manage create solution seems viable. however, code use cleaning :) gets job done.
basically, having issues loop. return file named w16-0 (which should actual w16). should add "-x" if w16 found. incremental order should w16, w16-1, w16-2, etc.
doing try locate if there w16-0 , replace w16. furthermore, seems loop give me 1 higher amount of files have. got error. if had w16-4, ask macro find , open file named w16-5, not exist.
if me clean code, thankful!

sub removecommasdoubleq() ' '    enable reference 'microsft scripting runtime' '    under vba menu option tools > references  dim week, username string dim myfile, myfilepath string dim version integer  dim fso object 'scripting.filesystemobject set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")  ' current week, xx week = format(date, "ww") ' username, e.g. niclas.madsen username = environ$("username") ' initials, first letter of last , surname caps ' e.g. niclas.madsen nm username = ucase(left(username, 1) & mid(username, instr(username, ".") + 1, 1))  ' fix filename saving purpose myfile = replace(replace("supplierorganization_w", "", ""), ".", "_") _             & "" _             & week _             & " " _             & username _             & ".csv"     'supplierorganization_wxx nm  'myfilepath = thisworkbook.path & "\csv\parent\" & myfile myfilepath = getdirsubparentpath & myfile  debug.print myfilepath debug.print "before loop" 'version = 1  while len(dir(myfilepath)) <> 0      '// if does, append _000 name      '// change _000 suit requirement     myfilepath = getdirsubparentpath & "supplierorganization_w" & week & "-" & version & " " & username & ".csv"       '// increment counter     version = version + 1       '// , go around again      if myfilepath = getdirsubparentpath & "supplierorganization_w" & week & "-0" & " " & username & ".csv"        myfilepath = getdirsubparentpath & "supplierorganization_w" & week & " " & username & ".csv"        debug.print myfilepath        debug.print "if loop"     end if loop debug.print myfilepath debug.print "loop"  if fso.fileexists(getdirsubparentpath & "supplierorganization_w" & week & "-" & version & " " & username & ".csv") = false     myfilepath = getdirsubparentpath & "supplierorganization_w" & week & "-" & version - 2 & " " & username & ".csv"     msgbox getdirsubparentpath & "supplierorganization_w" & week & "-" & version & " " & username & ".csv" end if  filename = fso.getfilename(myfilepath) debug.print filename  if myfilepath = getdirsubparentpath & "supplierorganization_w" & week & "-0" & " " & username & ".csv"    myfilepath = getdirsubparentpath & "supplierorganization_w" & week & " " & username & ".csv"    debug.print myfilepath    debug.print "her should 0" end if  if myfilepath = getdirsubparentpath & "supplierorganization_w" & week & "-" & " " & username & ".csv"    myfilepath = getdirsubparentpath & "supplierorganization_w" & week & "-" & version & " " & username & ".csv" end if    debug.print "her er vi" filename = fso.getfilename(myfilepath) debug.print filename   dim tmpfile, tmpfilepath string tmpfile = getdirsubparentpath & "tmp_file.txt"  dim tmpstring string  debug.print "------" debug.print myfilepath  if fso.fileexists(getdirsubparentpath & "supplierorganization_w" & week & "-0" & " " & username & ".csv") = true    msgbox "found w-0"    myfilepath = getdirsubparentpath & "supplierorganization_w" & week & " " & username & ".csv" end if  debug.print "found 0?" debug.print myfilepath   if fso.fileexists(myfilepath) = true     application.screenupdating = false     open myfilepath input #1     open tmpfile output #2     tmpstring = input(lof(1), 1) 'read entire file     tmpstring = replace(tmpstring, (chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) _     & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) _     & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) _     & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) _     & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) _     & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) _     & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) _     & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) _     & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) _     & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) & chr(34) & chr(44) & chr(34) _     & chr(34)), "") 'eliminate double quotation , commas in first line utf-8     print #2, tmpstring 'output result     close #1     close #2     fso.deletefile (myfilepath) 'delete original file     fso.copyfile tmpfile, myfilepath, true 'rename temp file     fso.deletefile (tmpfile) 'delete temp file     application.screenupdating = true     msgbox "finished processing file", vbinformation, "done!" else     msgbox "cannot locate file : " & myfile, vbcritical, "error" end if set fso = nothing end sub 


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