android - How can increase/decrease duration of translate animation dynamically (on-the-fly) -

in app large text in textview scroll automatically translate animation, , designed 2 button decrease , increasing speed, when change duration it's work after last duration not on-the-fly, want whenever clicked, in moment duration fact want how change duration of animationdrawable on fly/runtime? ,but, "translation animation"

here did randomly blinking light

    final imageview imagelight = (imageview)findviewbyid(;     lastlightalpha = (float) math.random();     alphaanimation blinklightanimation = new alphaanimation(1.0f, lastlightalpha);     blinklightanimation.setduration((long) (math.random() * 3000));     blinklightanimation.setanimationlistener(new animation.animationlistener() {          @override         public void onanimationstart(animation animation) {         }          @override         public void onanimationrepeat(animation animation) {         }          @override         public void onanimationend(animation animation) {             float newalpha = (float) math.random();             alphaanimation blinklightanimation = new alphaanimation(lastlightalpha, newalpha);             blinklightanimation.setanimationlistener(this);             blinklightanimation.setduration((long) (math.random() * 3000));             lastlightalpha = newalpha;             imagelight.startanimation(blinklightanimation);         }     });     imagelight.startanimation(blinklightanimation); 

you can reset animation by

gearanimation.cancel(); gearanimation.reset(); 

i hope can use parts of code solve issue.


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