c - When reading from a file I get special characters, that are not in my text file -

for starters, don't know if has os on osx. when running program , printing out read text file following:

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z  b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z\353`\232\377 

i reading new text document created using text wrangler, turned on invisibles make sure there wasn't @ end of file. code using read text file here:

// parses text file, passes parsed text writeandencode writing          , encryption.  int encode(char *fileread, char *filewrite) {      // file     file *filetoread = fopen(fileread, "r+"); // open file reading     char *textwithinfile;      // check if file can read     if (fileread != null) {         // file can read.          // length of file         fseek(filetoread, 0l, seek_end);         size_t size = (size_t)ftell(filetoread);         rewind(filetoread);         // make sure no error in finding size of file.         if (size != -1) {             long charsize = sizeof(char);             textwithinfile = malloc(sizeof(char) + size);             // add text filetoread char array             fread(textwithinfile, charsize, size, filetoread);             // add null @ end make file string             textwithinfile[size] = '\0';             printf("%s\n", &textwithinfile[0]);             fclose(filetoread); // debugging find out being read              writeandencode(size, textwithinfile, filewrite);             free(textwithinfile);         } else {             //file can't read             printf("***error_file_to_read_size_can_not_be_found***\n");         }     } else {         printf("***error_file_to_read_can_not_be_read***\n");     }      return 0; } 

would have same problem if on windows?

anyhow thank help!

i've fixed code little , added debugging statements. it'll save contents of input file malloc'ed buffer of size=(charsize*filesize+1), +1 bit hold null terminating character. works on machine reasonably sized binary files

you can uncomment printf(buffer_copy) statement doing before. otherwise, it'll loop through each byte in buffer , output hexadecimal equivalent. if you're still getting 'junk' it's part of input file , not bug.

//get file file *infp=fopen(infile,"r"); if(infp!=null){     //get length of file     fseek(infp,0l,seek_end);     size_t filesize=(size_t)ftell(infp);     printf("file length = %d\n",(int)filesize); //debug statement     rewind(infp);     if(filesize>0){          char * buffer;         buffer=(char*)malloc((sizeof(char)*filesize)+1); // +1 null char @ end         size_t chars_read=fread(buffer,sizeof(char),filesize,infp);         printf("chars read = %d\n",(int)chars_read); // debug statement (chars_read should equal filesize)         buffer[filesize]='\0'; // terminate char array         fclose(infp);         //output read (method 1, print string)         //char *buffer_copy=buffer;          //printf("the file=\"%s\"",buffer_copy); //uncomment these 2 statement did before */         //output read (method 2, byte-by-byte)         if(chars_read>0){             int i;             for(i=0;i<chars_read;i++){                 char the_char = *buffer;                 printf("char%d=%02x\n",i,the_char); //output each byte hexadecimal equivalent                 buffer++;             }         } else { printf "problem fread"; }     } else { printf("problem filesize"); } else { printf("problem opening file"); } 

the while loop stop reading @ first null terminating char. for loop read every single byte inside file (in case you're trying peek inside isn't .txt, .jpg)

have tried checking file command line make sure has characters expect?

for example, running command od -c view each byte ascii equivalent (or octal, if non-printable).


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