Making class GuessingGame in Ruby, stuck on instance method guess -

okay, have assignment make class called guessinggame, , create..a guessing game! lol. seriously, have make game takes input integer that's between 1 , 10. have skeleton of class's syntax done, when instance method guess, i'm getting stuck. if user's guess higher random number, should return ":high". if it's lower number, returns ":low". if it's right gist. think has conditionals. here of code far:

class guessinggame    def initialize(answer)     @answer = answer   end  answer = rand(10) + 1    def guess(guess)     if guess.to_i > answer      return ":high"     elsif guess.to_i < answer      return ":low"     else      return ":correct"     end end    def solved?   end  end 

let me state here ruby noob, , i'm looking constructive advice here. here rspec errors:

guessinggame#guess returns :high when guess high guessinggame#guess returns :low when guess low guessinggame#guess returns :correct when guess correct guessinggame#guess changes solved? when correct guess made guessinggame#guess doesn't change solved? when incorrect guess        made guessinggame#guess reflects last guess 

after class definition, have set variable new instance of class, can call method.

 class guessinggame   attr_reader :answer   def initialize     @answer = rand(10) + 1   end    def guess(guess)     if guess.to_i > answer      return ":high"     elsif guess.to_i < answer      return ":low"     else      return ":correct"     end   end    def solved?   end  end  = puts a.guess(2) 

since returning string, won't show unless call puts/print instead of returning, putting string instead. also, need attr_reader :answer otherwise, can't access answer outside of class , won't work. go read att accessors. lastly, can @answer = rand(10) + 1 directly.


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