python - django autocomplete light on admin: how does it work? -

i'm trying make searcheable customer foreigkey on model on admin.

i has installed django autocomplete light, can`t see works.

i'm trying this.

import autocomplete_light  class redadminform(forms.modelform):     class meta:         model = red         widget = {'customer': autocomplete_light.choicewidget('customerautocomplete')}   class redadmin(admin.modeladmin):     #form = redadminform     list_display = ("id", "customer","sponsor")     list_per_page = 10     search_fields=['customer__username', 'sponsor__username']     #raw_id_fields = ('customer','sponsor',)     form = autocomplete_light.modelform_factory(red), redadmin) 

i have css , js static files of module, has installed , put on installed apps.

import autocomplete_light django.contrib.auth.models import user  autocomplete_light.register(user) 

show error on ajax request:

fielderror @ /autocomplete/userautocomplete/ cannot resolve keyword u'name' field. choices are:  

for moment, autocomplete-light doesn't reuse modeladmin's search_fields. there's open pr that.

try registering search_fields ie.:

registry.register(user, search_fields=['username', 'email']) 


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