Universe database attaching to Universe database server -

i sent universe database. installed trial version of universe database server rocket software. however, cannot find walkthroughs on how use universe database server software. given universe shell installed, i'm assuming command line. i've tried going through menu, severely lacking , horribly formatted. has run problem? i'm looking attach database file , schema information can it.

a universe "database" kind of abstraction of file system, @ least in experience using aix/linux. if have universe installed , running there isn't kind of attaching need do. change directory extracted db , execute command /your/path/to/bin/uv , launch shell.

also sounds experiencing terminal emulation issues, might want find terminal emulator gives ability switch emulations on fly. use dynamic connect delivered product when still belonged ibm. not sure open source alternatives lazy , dc paid for. if screen dorked try switching emulation around. of work in combination of addsvp, regent, , vt100. need redraw screen when change see if works , can't give solid strategy of how consistently outside of general button mashing.

of course if have no experience universe, or @ least pick variant, going have idea doing.

i recommend checking out manny neira's tutorials on universe. easy follow tutorial have found on subject in internet era.


good luck.


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