javascript - Cannot append DOM element to DIV node: Uncaught HierarchyRequestError: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node' -

using dom parser parsed string , , tried append object container, so:

      var newcategory =          "<div class=\"column-expenses-left\" id=\"newcategory"+ expensecategorycssname +"\">" +           "<hr />" +           "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">" +             "<?php echo $budgetexpense[\'expensecategory\'][\'cssname\']; ?>&nbsp;" +             "<span>" +             "<a href=\"#\" class=\"delete-category\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/theme/all/img/trash_can_small.png\" style=\"width: 15px; height: 15px; float: right;\" id=\"\" alt=\"delete\"/></a>"+             "</span>" +           "</div>" +           "<hr />" +           "<p class=\"pointer\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/theme/all/img/add_to_yours.png\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" /></p>" +         "</div> <!-- column-expenses-left -->";        // object append        var stack = document.getelementbyid('newcategories');        var parser = new domparser();       var newnode = parser.parsefromstring(newcategory, "text/xml");        stack.appendchild(newnode); 

however following error:

 uncaught hierarchyrequesterror: failed execute 'appendchild' on 'node': nodes of type '#document' may not inserted inside nodes of type 'div'. 

i don't quite understand happening here? there way use parser creates node of type div instead? idea?

you can't append document nodes (the result of parsefromstring). instead take child of document object , append it:

var parser = new domparser(); var newnode = parser.parsefromstring(newcategory, "text/xml"); stack.appendchild(newnode.documentelement); 

note, html not xml-complient might errors parsing it. in case make sure fix them (like duplicated alt attribute, &nbsp; entities).

however, in case doubt need parse xml @ all. can append entire html string in first place. example this:

var stack = document.getelementbyid('newcategories'); stack.insertadjacenthtml('beforeend', newcategory); 


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