c++ - How can I make a library framework available in Xcode 6 on OS X 10.10? -

i had working on os x 10.9.

i've imported library framework (aubio) 10.10 sdk folder: / applications ▸ xcode.app ▸ contents ▸ developer ▸ platforms ▸ macosx.platform ▸ developer ▸ sdks ▸ macosx10.10.sdk ▸ system ▸ library ▸ frameworks

it shows in xcode. when go compile project tells me can't find header.

enter image description here

so have import framework, manually each time project gets resaved (which can quite when using introjucer). shows 2 copies of framework. able use import statement , build project.

enter image description here

how can framework recognised xcode can compile project without re-importing each time?

in introjucer go build-config , scroll down "extra frameworks". insert name of framework there. (at picture ios build config, it's same osx.)

tip: should check juce forum: http://www.juce.com/forum there lot of people advanced juce-knowlege.

introjucer - add framework on osx


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